Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Testing Parameters - Trash or Triumph?

The dilemma: do I include this amusing dog day video ditty (with the justification of proving my skill at attaching a video clip), or do I search for a library science oriented alternative and pretend my content is of more worthy attention? Hmmmmm, I have yielded to the dark side...(or not!)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Great Discovery

Wow, thought I'd even stuffed up doing my first post, by losing it before saving. Had to create a new one, only to discover that the first test was "there" as a Draft. Oh. I can see this is going to be a stumbling process!

Exploring the Dank Waters

Wetting my appetite in this unexplored territory I had my first disaster: aagh, Lost my email/gmail account. But: Lynette to the rescue, hadn't really lost it, just missspelled it. Nearly lost my marbles however.