Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ooops (#5 Wikis)

Now I'm out of order! I missed this bit. And now #5 is after #6. I suppose I should use this as an opportunity to see if I can swap the posts around. At this late stage this will have to go on my To Do list I'm afraid. Anyway, suffice to say I've added my blog to the PLCMC list of Favourite Blogs (felt a bit fraudulent mind you! Oh well, it's just for the exercise....can't imagine anyone actually visiting my blog via this list.)

Oh and I had previously listed a nice restaurant under the favourite restaurants list. May as well take the opportunity of publicising Australia to the world! (Pearl, fyi)

I Think I'm Full Now! (#6 RSS feeds - A Bite Too Far)

Yes this post's title is a bit over the top, but why change the habit of a lifetime! Anyway, I've read the various bits on RSS. I had already subscribed to a couple, which appear on my Yahoo page, created a couple of years ago. Must confess that I hadn't utilised them that well. But maybe I hadn't selected the most appropriate sources?

So, for this exercise I've selected some library info type feeds and a couple of medical ones. I think that potentially this tool IS useful. However, with this reader one has to make a point of taking a look at it regularly; make it a habit.

One potential use for SLV is to have a regular list of highlighted new books. People could subscribe to the whole lot, or maybe just to a subset with books listed for their chosen subject.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

#4 My Wiki Wiki way (apologies to Errol!)

I'm all wikiied out! Looked at so many that just reached that obsessive plane where madnesses, like the title of Errol Flynn's autobiography pop into my head, and won't leave!

Played in the sandpit, viewed wiki videos and bumbled my way through adding something to the Redmond Barry team wiki. (Excerpts from Digital Digest #19)

Topped it off when I was fortunate enough to attend the 2007 Health Libraries Conference. Guess what the theme was? You bet ya: Libraries 2.0! So, a day of wikis, blogs, mashups, and even Blikis. The speakers were really great. I was particularly interested in Terrence Harrison, the Clinical Librarian at the Royal Melbourne Hospital's, talk. He showed RMH's newly released bliki on Evidence Based Medicine called Evidence Direct. It's got lots of great stuff on it, eg tools, rss feeds etc.