Thursday, November 29, 2007

I Think I'm Full Now! (#6 RSS feeds - A Bite Too Far)

Yes this post's title is a bit over the top, but why change the habit of a lifetime! Anyway, I've read the various bits on RSS. I had already subscribed to a couple, which appear on my Yahoo page, created a couple of years ago. Must confess that I hadn't utilised them that well. But maybe I hadn't selected the most appropriate sources?

So, for this exercise I've selected some library info type feeds and a couple of medical ones. I think that potentially this tool IS useful. However, with this reader one has to make a point of taking a look at it regularly; make it a habit.

One potential use for SLV is to have a regular list of highlighted new books. People could subscribe to the whole lot, or maybe just to a subset with books listed for their chosen subject.

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